Explanation Writing Assessment Term 2 2021 Snapshot
Name: lenore, I have shared this back to Whaea Lana? Yes
Write to explain the following: how gardeners are like a scientist
and I will bring my people Israel back from exile.“They will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. They will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will make gardens and eat their fruit. Amos 9:14 This is my explanation of how scientists and gardeners are the same.
Gardeners and scientists
Gardeners and Scientists are the same because; They both do experiments. There's only one different gardener experimenting with fertilizer and which one helps the plant grow faster and scientists experiment what's poizenis and what makes bigger explosions
Greenhouse and lab
In the greenhouse, you have gardening tools such as shovels, spades, and a rake, but in a lab, you have bunsen burners, microscopes and they also use telescopes to observe the stars.
Scientists like to observe the notes that they put down and how much they put down, but gardeners observe how much the plant grows and how much fertilizer they put in.
Teaching and learning
Scientists and gardeners teach and learn from each other when they put down the ingredients on the chip packets and other stuff like that. If a Gardener wanted to learn more stuff they would go to other gardeners for help just like a scientist would.
In summary, this is my explanation writing on how Scientists and Gardeners are the same in most stuff and all gardeners and scientists help each other.